DoReMiLamb ver.1.0

「DoReMiLamb」は、FM(Frequency Modulation)音源の発音方式を応用して、人間の音素を使わずに「疑似的」な音声合成風サウンドで歌う、シンギングシンセサイザーです。
現在、β版として64bit VSTバージョンのみ正式公開しています。MacOS Audio Units (AU) バージョンも準備中ですが、動作の安定がまだ思わしくないため、β版扱いとしていますが、VST版はほぼ完成形に近い状態です。

"DoReMiLamb" is a singing synthesizer that applies the pronunciation method of FM (Frequency Modulation) sound source and sings with "pseudo" voice synthesis style sound without using human phoneme.
Currently, only 64-bit VST version is officially released as beta version. The MacOS Audio Units (AU) version is also being prepared, but it is treated as a beta version because the stability of the operation is not yet good, but the VST version is almost finished.
Unfortunately, DoReMiLamb can not offer lyrics as you wish. The basic is a synthesizer that sings "Doremi" to the scale. There are several other humming options available.
The range can choose three types of "soprano / alto", "tenor", "basso", and even a song without the lyrics can play the sound as if it chorused.
The keyboard is not for performance, but is a transpose switch and can be matched using absolute or relative pitch keys, and black keys can be sharpened or flat by switching major and minor .
At the same time as the pronunciation, "MuraiLamb" comes along with the animation. Even when she is not singing, she smiles at waving her hand.


  • インストール方法

    Please select plugin according to your OS and DAW operating environment.
    The installation destination folder varies depending on the OS. As necessary, please expand each dll file or folder, drag and drop as it is.
  • How to install
    * But, I can not answer questions on troubles regarding installation.

  • DoReMiLamb ver.1.0.4 for Win/64bit/VST3

  • DoReMiLamb ver.1.0.4 for MacOS/AU

DoReMiLamb ver.1.0 Details


  • 「Vocal」の項目にある、「Soprano/Alto」、「Tenore」、「Basso」ボタンを押すことで、声色と声域を選べます。
  • 「Sing」の項目にある三角の赤い矢印を押すことで、「ドレミ」といくつかの「ハミング」に唄い方が変わります。(ref.-1)
  • 鍵盤はトランスポーズのキーを選択するためのもので、曲に合わせて選ぶことで、二通りの歌い分けをします
  • 「Transpose」の項目のスイッチが「ON」の時は、トランスポーズした基音を常に「ド」始まりで歌います。
  • 「Scale」ボタンを押すことで、「Major #」(長調)と「minor b」(短調)を切り替えれば、黒鍵を押した時に歌う音階が、それぞれの調に沿って歌います。(ref.-2)

  • Press the [Soprano / Alto], [Tenore] and [Basso] buttons in the [Vocal] item to select the audio color and range.
  • Press the red triangle arrow of the "Sing" item to sing like "Doremi" or "Hamming". (ref.-1)
  • The keyboard is for selecting the transpose key, which is selected according to the song, and two methods are selected.
  • If the switch on the "Transpose" item is "ON", the transposed basic sound always starts with "do".
    When "OFF", transposition will sing correctly along the absolute scale.
  • Press the "Scale" button to switch between "Major #" and "Minor b" and the scale that sings when you press the black key will sing along with each key. (ref.-2)

コンニチハ、ムライラムです! -Hello, My name is "MURAILAMB"!-
  • この少女は「DoReMi Lamb」の唄う電気羊、「ムライラム」です。

    The girl in the "DoReMi Lamb" is an electric sheep called "MURAILAMB".
    In the early days, when this sound source part was finished first, it was like a speech synthesis vocal and wanted to have some characters.
    My name for the joke was "MURAILAMB" in the various conversations on Twitter. It is a palindrome in Japanese notation.
    "Murai" is the author's own surname, and "lam" means lamb. The sheep has always been attached as an animal to image myself (zodiac), and its singing voice has a sound like a lead organ resembling sheep's cry, and has various meanings.
    The friend "253" who saw it drew a character and showed it. As it matched the image of singing voice, this "MURAILAMB" was born while making a little additional request.
    After that, an animation was also created with the hand of "253", and it settled in this plug-in.
    Even when you are not talking, "MURAILAMB" shakes your hands and smiles. Have you ever seen a few of such plug-ins in the past?

    追記 「ムライラム」のキャラクターデザインをしていただいた、253さんからコメントをいただきましたのでご紹介します。

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